How to Transition from Homelessness to Permanent Housing in Travis County, Texas

The Homeless Foundation is dedicated to providing transitional housing, food services, and other support services for the homeless. Front Steps housing programs offer affordable, temporary permanent housing solutions. Greendoors provides affordable, temporary permanent housing as well. The Permanent Supportive Housing Program helps people 18 and older who are at high risk of homelessness to find safe and affordable housing and learn the skills necessary to maintain a home and live independently. Mobile Loaves & Fishes is leading an unprecedented collaborative effort to mitigate homelessness in the city of Austin.

This transformative community exists to care for and serve those emerging from chronic homelessness and yearning for a permanent place to call home. If you need housing services, you can learn more HERE.We understand that people are in their greatest need during times of homelessness and intervene quickly to rehouse families in order to prevent long-term homelessness. These programs help people with mental illnesses who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to find and keep housing. The Subsidized Housing Rental Assistance Program assists those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless with temporary rent subsidies, utility payments, and moving expenses. Caritas of Austin is the main fiscal agent of this collaboration of 12 agencies whose mission is to prevent and end homelessness in Austin and Travis County.

Research has shown that interventions to prevent homelessness are more cost-effective than addressing problems after a person is no longer homeless. To do this, we move people from chronic homelessness to safe and affordable long-term housing and keep people at risk in their own homes. Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) helps people with mental illness or substance use disorders and their families if they are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This program is a partnership between the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, and eligible multifamily properties. Front Steps runs supportive housing programs for the chronically homeless and coordinates with other homeless community service providers to access temporary and permanent housing options.

Bradford Fazzi
Bradford Fazzi

Professional tv fanatic. Award-winning bacon junkie. Evil music expert. Lifelong food ninja. Amateur social media geek.

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